Looking to give? Find instructions at the end of this update!
Jesus is worthy of praise in EVERY NATION and EVERY TONGUE!
Our Discipleship Training School has just returned from 🇹🇿TANZANIA🇹🇿– a beautiful country full of a vibrant and lively people! We spent almost 2 months doing mission work that fell into these three categories: training, evangelism, and mercy ministry. Our team was busy for 7 weeks and I have many stories to tell about miraculous healings, lives restored, and battles won… God deserves the glory for every single miracle.
Training: As a worship leader, my favorite part of the trip was learning African worship songs and learning to sing in Swahili. We visited many SCHOOLS and CHURCHES where translation was required to share a message, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t worship in the same language! It was an incredible privilege to encourage children and adults by SHARING TESTIMONIES and teaching them about God’s love.
Evangelism: Our team visited houses and started conversations in public marketplaces, sharing the love of Jesus that has changed our lives. Worship often took the forefront during these events, and our teams witnessed the change in atmosphere. On several occasions, God HEALED PHYSICAL INFIRMITIES as we worshipped, and during one of our public worship sessions, our group saw 15 PEOPLE ACCEPT JESUS!
Mercy Ministry: When we visited houses, carrying the Gospel with us, our teams also brought PHYSICAL GIFTS of food and valuable supplies like soap to bless the families. Twice our teams traveled over 10 miles on foot, carrying hiking backpacks filled with these supplies to remote houses that are inaccessible by car. During these visits we would often also see salvations and healings! God called us to Tanzania not only to bring the message of the Gospel, but also to be His hands and feet and to SERVE in tangible ways.
Hakuna Mungu kama wewe / There is no God like You Hakuna nahata kwepo / There is no one like Him! HAKUNA MUNGU KAMA WEWE - Worship Song in Swahili
Lessons in Leadership
In addition to my role as a DTS student, I also led a group of 11 students from our Worship Elective, organizing teams and formulating strategies to stay prepared despite our ever-changing schedule. All of my fellow students are qualified worship leaders who took initiative and gave everything for the Gospel– it was a privilege to serve with each one of them.
Although I have led teams before, our overseas outreach was a very different atmosphere and I found myself praying for guidance almost every single day! On one of my off days, the Lord guided me to study the book of Nehemiah, which He used to speak into my situation and teach me about leadership through the process.
During my time in Africa, God opened the door for me to stay at YWAM Orlando and continue to develop my calling of Hospitality and Worship ministry. God is sifting and shaping me as a leader, and I strongly believe that this next school will accelerate the process.
On April 5, I will be returning to YWAM Orlando to attend a School of Ministry Development, a school designed to develop leadership qualities and teach how to operate well in long-term ministry. During the first 3 months of this school, I will receive more teaching and have more hands-on opportunities to lead ministry efforts in the Orlando area! The lessons I learned on outreach about leadership are just the beginning.
My financial need for this 5-month school is $7500.
God has already provided $500 towards my goal through the faithful giving of supporters like you! Please prayerfully consider supporting me in this next school. If you have supported me in the past or are on this mailing list, I would love to have a phone call or in-person meeting during the next 3 weeks to provide more information and answer questions.
DIRECT: ywamorlando.com/pay/
1. Scroll Down the Webpage…
2. Payment Type: “Payment for a Student”
3. Name: Anna Tuttle
4. School: SOMD
Paypal:Â paypal.me/annactuttle
Venmo:Â @annactuttle
Cashapp:Â @annactuttle
Bwana Asifiwe! / Praise the Lord!